Studies in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement show that repeating meaningful phrases, whether bible verses, song or mantra, do two things:
First, it reduces the distraction within the “default mode network” of the brain. This is the part of our brain that is active in self-thought and reflection. You know, the part of the brain that is often too distracted and overloaded to operate with a single focus!
And, the repeated meaningful phrases also calm the nervous system.
So imagine, rather than allowing random, distracted and often negative self-talk and input in, if you allowed concentrated intentional thought instead?
The very simple can be very powerful, can’t it?
This can help to produce better BRAIN HABITS. We are so quick to think the “I suck” or “that was terrible” or “there’s no way I could ever accomplish that” AUTOMATICALLY before we even allow ourselves to have a choice in the matter.
Things that aren’t true or accurate or based in reality come flying into our heads at exponential rates. Studies estimate findings around 50,000 thoughts per day. Many of which we don’t even have awareness of. 80% of our thousands of thoughts a day are NEGATIVE. And 95% of them are the same repetitive thoughts over and over. The negative ones!
We are beating ourselves up, and we may not even know it! YIKES!
Please know that this is not “just think positive”—I don’t jive with that as a clinician. Instead, its learning to retrain and confront our own thoughts to make their way out of unhelpful patterns and habits.
Is it helpful for you to think “my life totally sucks” 30,000 times a day? Probably not. Is it going to make you like crap? Absolutely.
Do work to notice your thoughts
Do challenge your thoughts.
And maybe even, DO work to INPUT DIFFERENT THOUGHTS.
Personal Mantras can help! Stay Tuned for my Post on Mantra Making!