Two Group Options for the week of 9/17:
Monday Group (9/17): 7:00 pm
Tuesday Group (9/18): 7:30 pm
Email Jillayna at to reserve a spot!
Groups will be located at the Bright Tribe Office at 3134 Sutton Blvd.

Read More Below!
Navigating through the hardest job in the world. Modern motherhood is full of endless, overwhelming difficulties that wrack moms with mental, emotional and physical stress. While many topics related to parenthood are more openly discussed and approached (such as difficult decisions regarding working or staying at home, schooling and disciplining decisions, etc.), the difficult and transitive inner-world experience of mothers is one that gets quieted, shamed and stigmatized. In fact, this can make motherhood painfully isolating and lonely. In our judgement and shame-free therapeutic mom’s support group, we open the dialogue to these very topics, which mothers everywhere struggle with. Some of these topics include “mom guilt”, the no-shut-off experience of the “default parent”, unrealistic expectations of magical or perfect childhoods, changing friendships and intimate relationships, depression and anxiety, negative or ambiguous feeling about motherhood, and losing one’s sense of identity.
Within this group, you will:
· Meet and receive the support of mothers who have had similar feelings and experiences,
· Have the opportunity for self-expression and exploration both within and outside of your parenting identity,
· Explore the current cultural and social landscape and their impact on the mothering experience,
· Learn valuable CBT skills, mindfulness techniques, and self-growth skills aimed at reducing guilt, depression, anxiety and reclaiming your individual identity and sense of self.
· Get out of the house, without your spouse or children, and focus on YOU!