Find your Mantra!
Ways to explore what might be the right mantra for your You-Right-Now:
What do you know to be true of who you are, your hope and your intentionality?
What do you struggle to remind yourself, or believe about yourself? What are you working toward?
What do you need to hear and consciously remember and know?
A mantra can start with:
I Can (I can embody the hope and strength to move through the day)
May I (May I continue to be my most true self and make the best decisions for me)
I Am/Know (I am ok right now, I can continue to breathe)
I Am Able/Capable (I am capable of joy and worthy of connection and love)
I Will (I will let go of that which I cannot control, and I will work to empower myself in action toward wellness)
While (While bombarded with negativity, I will continue to believe in the goodness of people and stay in a place of hope )
When (When I am overwhelmed by the world, I remember that I can work to create my peace
I know I can only control myself. I am capable of choosing where to spend my energy
I can embody happiness. I can let go of fruitless anger.
May I continue to stay in the now and re-set myself when my anxious brain takes over
This will pass like a wave. I can breathe through it and calm my body. These feelings are ok.
May I have the courage to live my truth every day by __________________
May I have the strength to ________________
I know that I can do things that are hard and uncomfortable. I believe in my own worth to do them.
If you have favorite books, quotes, passages, sayings or otherwise spiritual writings that resonate with you and instill important reminders, you can incorporate them too!
Grab your Mantra Sheet!